
Shawndeeia Drinkard

Shawndeeia Drinkard

Dr. Drinkard received her doctoral degree in clinical psychology at the 加州职业心理学院 at Alliant International University. She completed her predoctoral internship at the University of 加州, 欧文 Counseling Center. She completed her postdoctoral residency at the University of 加州 圣地亚哥 Counseling and Psychological Services.  

Dr. Drinkard's research interest broadly includes mental health promotion in underserved and minoritized communities. Her other research interests include training issues and developments in 临床心理学, 性健康, 服务欠缺社区的性教育, and advancements in culturally responsive community-based interventions. 

Dr. Drinkard also works in the non-profit sector as the Director of the Urban Mental Health and 健康 Initiative. 在她的角色中, she works toward destigmatizing mental illness and encouraging help-seeking behaviors in underserved/minoritized communities. 在社区工作中, 她提供咨询, 心理教育研讨会, 并举办健康促进社区活动.

  • 黑人心理健康
  • 妇女问题,夫妻和家庭干预
  • 心理学临床培训
  • 健康
  • 传统的治疗方法
  • 偏见 & 临床诊断中的相关问题
  • 女性主义治疗
  • 社区心理学
  • 艺术治疗方法
  • 参与式行动研究.
  • 洛杉矶beat365手机版官方网站CSPP博士 
  • 先进的精神病理学
  • 临床访谈
  • 女性主义治疗
  • 多元文化心理学的视角:Black & 美籍亚裔心理学
  • 心理学专业角色


  • Drinkard,年代. (2018). 迈克尔·克尔. 在J. 雷柏,. 室, & D. Bruenlin (Eds.夫妻和家庭治疗百科全书:斯普林格出版社. 
  • Drinkard,年代. (2018). “建立稳固的家庭”.在J. 雷柏,. 室, & D. Bruenlin (Eds.), 夫妻和家庭治疗百科全书:斯普林格
  • 傅,M., Raju, M.拉米雷斯-索利斯,E.,德语,Z.德林卡德,S., & 你,我. (2017). 这是一本针对不同夫妻和家庭的治疗入门书." [Review of the book Diversity in Couple and Family Therapy: Ethnicities, 性取向, 和社会经济情况. S编辑. 凯莉). PsycCRITIQUES, 62(31).
  • Drinkard,年代.Dunn, C.帕克斯,C., & 萨姆纳,. (2017). I Am Because We Are: Effective Mentoring for African American 研究生 Students. 在R. L. 米勒 & T. 颈链(Eds.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference 演讲 on Teaching, 2015-16. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of 心理学 website: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/



  • Drinkard,年代.傅,M. (2023) The f word: Bringing down the patriarchy through curriculum [Round table discussion] presented at Association of Women in 心理学 Convention, 亚特兰大乔治亚州, 美国.
  • Drinkard,年代., & 迪亚兹,F. S. 1月(2019). Addressing cultural complexities in clinical supervision: Perspectives from a trainee and training Director. Roundtable presented at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Denver, CO. 
  • Drinkard,年代., & 傅,M. (2017年8月). We Are Because I Am: Exploring the protective role of ethnic identity for Black college students. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
  • Drinkard,年代.Dunn, C., Raju, M., & 傅,M. (2016年8月). ‚ÄúS is for Sex:‚Äù Exploring inclusive sex education programs for African American youth. Poster presented at the Association of Black Psychologists Annual Convention, Arlington, VA.