


Dr. 斯科特·伍利 is a 特聘教授 in the Couple and 家庭 Therapy program at the 加州职业心理学院 at Alliant International University. He is the executive director of the Alliant Couple and 家庭 Clinic and is a founder and Director of the 圣地亚哥 Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and the Training and Research Institute for EFT at Alliant (TRI EFT Alliant). Dr. 伍利 has trained therapists in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy in many areas of the world, 包括加拿大, 辣椒, 英格兰, 芬兰, 关岛, 香港, 匈牙利, 爱尔兰, 日本, 韩国, 墨西哥, 挪威, 俄罗斯, 瑞典, 台湾, 荷兰, 在整个美国.S.,并与博士密切合作. Susan Johnson, EFT的创始人. He also worked with 家庭 Therapy Founders Jay Haley and James Framo earlier in his career.

Dr. 伍利只得了B.S. 获得经济学硕士学位.S. in Marriage and 家庭 Therapy from Brigham Young University, and a Ph.D. in Marriage and 家庭 Therapy from Texas Tech University. Dr. 伍利 is an AAMFT Clinical Member and Approved 主管, 和认证EFT治疗师, 主管, 和教练.


Emotionally Focused Therapy; couples therapy, 求爱, 婚姻, MFT process and outcome research; observational research; cultural issues in couple relationships; MFT supervision processes; MFT therapy training; religion, 药物依赖

  • PhD; Marriage and 家庭 Therapy, Texas Tech University
  • MS; Marriage and 家庭 Therapy, Birgham Young University
  • BS; Economics, Brigham Young University
  • MFT的先进研究
  • 道德、法律和MFT:专业问题
  • Supervision Practicum in Marriage and 家庭 Therapy
  • 监督婚姻及家庭治疗
  • Advanced 博士 Seminar: Advanced 婚姻 Therapy
  • Advanced 博士 Seminar: Effective Practice in MFT
  • 一些治疗
  • MFT实习
  • 婚姻 & 离婚疗法
  • 家庭治疗技巧
  • 婚姻与家庭治疗理论
  • 高级夫妻治疗
  • 面试技巧 & 实验室
  • 约翰逊,年代., & 伍利,年代. R. (2009). "Emotionally focused couple therapy: An attachment-based treatment.用G表示.O. 盖博(Ed.), 心理治疗教科书. (pp. 553-579). 华盛顿特区:美国精神病学出版社.
  • 考德威尔,B. E., & 伍利,年代. R. (2008). "Marriage and family therapists' endorsement of myths about 婚姻." 美国家庭治疗杂志, 36, 367-387.
  • 考德威尔,B. E. & 伍利,年代. R. (2008). "Marriage and family therapists' attitudes toward 婚姻." 夫妻与关系治疗杂志, 7(4), 321-336.
  • 伍利,年代. R. (2007). “夫妻治疗的革命." 加州心理学家, 40 (1), 12-15.
  • 考德威尔,B. E.伍利,S. R., & 考德威尔,C. J. (2007). "Preliminary estimates of cost-effectiveness for marital therapy." 婚姻与家庭治疗杂志, 33(3), 392-405.
  • 里德,R. & 伍利,年代. R. (2006). "Using emotionally focused therapy for couples to resolve attachment ruptures created by hypersexual behavior." 性成瘾与强迫性行为杂志, 13, 219-239.
  • 伍利,年代. R. & 约翰逊,年代. (2006). "Creating secure connections: Emotionally focused therapy." 日本成瘾杂志 & 家庭, 23 (2), 329-346.
  • 约翰逊,年代.布拉德利,B.弗罗,J.李,A.帕尔默,G.蒂利,D., & 伍利,年代. R. (2005). 成为一名EFT治疗师:工作手册. 纽约:Brunner-Routledge出版社.
  • 伍利,年代. R. & 约翰逊,年代. (2005). "Creating secure connections: Emotionally focused couples therapy.In J. 雷柏(Ed.), 临床家庭治疗手册 (pp.384-405). 纽约:约翰·威利 & 儿子.
  • 伍利,年代. R. (2004). 采访博士. 斯科特·R. 伍利. 日本成瘾杂志 & 家庭,21(3),241-247.
  • 伍利,年代. R. (2002). “为了纪念詹姆斯·L. 弗拉莫:一封私人信件." 婚姻与家庭治疗杂志, 28 (1), 3-4.
  • 伍利,年代. R.巴特勒先生. H., & Wampler K. S. (2000). "Unraveling change in therapy: Three different process research methodologies." 美国家庭治疗杂志, 28 (4), 311-329.
  • 伍利,年代. R. (2000). 成为AAMFT认可的主管." AAMFT-CA新闻, 8(2), 1-1.
  • 伍利,年代. R. (1996). "Enactments in couple therapy: A process-oriented investigation." CAL-AAMFT新闻, 4(4), 1-4.
  • Guanipa C. L. & 伍利,年代. R. (2000). "Gender bias in therapists' conceptualization of couple difficulty." 美国家庭治疗杂志, 28(2), 181-192.